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- From: uunet!questrel!chris (Chris Cole)
- Subject: rec.puzzles FAQ, part 2 of 15
- Message-ID: <puzzles-faq-2_717034101@questrel.com>
- Followup-To: rec.puzzles
- Summary: This posting contains a list of
- Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers).
- It should be read by anyone who wishes to
- post to the rec.puzzles newsgroup.
- Sender: chris@questrel.com (Chris Cole)
- Reply-To: uunet!questrel!faql-comment
- Organization: Questrel, Inc.
- References: <puzzles-faq-1_717034101@questrel.com>
- Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1992 00:08:31 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Sat, 3 Apr 1993 00:08:21 GMT
- Lines: 1579
- Archive-name: puzzles-faq/part02
- Last-modified: 1992/09/20
- Version: 3
- ==> analysis/bugs.p <==
- Four bugs are placed at the corners of a square. Each bug walks directly
- toward the next bug in the clockwise direction. The bugs walk with
- constant speed always directly toward their clockwise neighbor. Assuming
- the bugs make at least one full circuit around the center of the square
- before meeting, how much closer to the center will a bug be at the end
- of its first full circuit?
- ==> analysis/bugs.s <==
- Amorous Bugs
- ANSWER: 1 - e^(-2*pi)
- Let O(t) be the angle at time t of bug 1 relative to its starting
- point and r(O(t)) be its distance from the center of the square.
- Bug 1's vector trajectory is (using a Cartesian coordinate system with
- the origin at the center of the square):
- (1) X1 = [r(O) * cos(O), r(O) * sin(O)]
- By symmetry, bug 2's trajectory is the same only rotated by pi/2, viz.:
- (2) X2 = [-r(O) * sin(O), r(O) * cos(O)]
- Since bug 1 walks directly toward bug 2, the velocity of bug 1 must be
- proportional to the vector from bug 1 to bug 2:
- (3) d(X1)/d(t) = k * (X2 - X1)
- Equating each component of the vector equation (3) yields:
- (4) (d(r)/d(O) * cos(O) - r * sin(O)) * d(O)/d(t) =
- k * (-r * cos(O) - r * sin(O))
- (5) (d(r)/d(O) * sin(O) + r * cos(O)) * d(O)/d(t) =
- k * (-r * sin(O) + r * cos(O))
- These equations are solved by:
- (6) k = d(O)/d(t)
- and:
- (7) d(r)/d(O) = -r(O)
- (7) is solved by:
- (8) r(O) = e^-O
- Constant speed gives:
- (9) v^2 = constant = ((d(r)/d(O))^2+r^2)*(d(O)/d(t))^2
- Substituting (8) into (9) yields (let V = v/sqrt(2)):
- (10) d(O)/d(t) = V * e^O
- Which is solved (using the boundary condition O(0) = 0) by:
- (11) O(t) = -ln(1 - V * t)
- Substituting (11) into (8) yields:
- (12) r(t) = r(0) - V * t
- The bug has made a full circle when O(T) = 2*pi; using (11):
- (13) T = 1/V * (1 - e^(-2*pi))
- Substituting T into (12) yields the answer:
- (14) r(T) - r(0) = 1 - e^(-2*pi)
- ==> analysis/c.infinity.p <==
- What function is zero at zero, strictly positive elsewhere, infinitely
- differentiable at zero and has all zero derivitives at zero?
- ==> analysis/c.infinity.s <==
- exp(-1/x^2)
- This tells us why Taylor Series are a more limited device than they might be.
- We form a Taylor series by looking at the derivatives of a function at a given
- point; but this example shows us that the derivatives at a point may tell us
- almost nothing about its behavior away from that point.
- ==> analysis/cache.p <==
- Cache and Ferry (How far can a truck go in a desert?)
- A pick-up truck is in the desert beside N 50-gallon gas drums, all full.
- The truck's gas tank holds 10 gallons and is empty. The truck can carry
- one drum, whether full or empty, in its bed. It gets 10 miles to the gallon.
- How far away from the starting point can you drive the truck?
- ==> analysis/cache.s <==
- If the truck can siphon gas out of its tank and leave it in the cache,
- the answer is:
- { 1/1 + 1/3 + ... + 1/(2 * N - 1) } x 500 miles.
- Otherwise, the "Cache and Ferry" problem is the same as the "Desert Fox"
- problem described, but not solved, by Dewdney, July '87 "Scientific American".
- Dewdney's Oct. '87 Sci. Am. article gives for N=2, the optimal distance
- of 733.33 miles.
- In the Nov. issue, Dewdney lists the optimal distance of 860 miles for
- N=3, and gives a better, but not optimal, general distance formula.
- Westbrook, in Vol 74, #467, pp 49-50, March '90 "Mathematical Gazette",
- gives an even better formula, for which he incorrectly claims optimality:
- For N = 2,3,4,5,6:
- Dist = (600/1 + 600/3 + ... + 600/(2N-3)) + (600-100N)/(2N-1)
- For N > 6:
- Dist = (600/1 + 600/3 + ... + 600/9) + (500/11 + ... + 500/(2N-3))
- The following shows that Westbrook's formula is not optimal for N=8:
- Ferry 7 drums forward 33.3333 miles (356.6667 gallons remain)
- Ferry 6 drums forward 51.5151 miles (300.0000 gallons remain)
- Ferry 5 drums forward 66.6667 miles (240.0000 gallons remain)
- Ferry 4 drums forward 85.7143 miles (180.0000 gallons remain)
- Ferry 3 drums forward 120.0000 miles (120.0000 gallons remain)
- Ferry 2 drums forward 200.0000 miles ( 60.0000 gallons remain)
- Ferry 1 drums forward 600.0000 miles
- ---------------
- Total distance = 1157.2294 miles
- (Westbrook's formula = 1156.2970 miles)
- ["Ferrying n drums forward x miles" involves (2*n-1) trips,
- each of distance x.]
- Other attainable values I've found:
- N Distance
- --- --------- (Ferry distances for each N are omitted for brevity.)
- 5 1016.8254
- 7 1117.8355
- 11 1249.2749
- 13 1296.8939
- 17 1372.8577
- 19 1404.1136 (The N <= 19 distances could be optimal.)
- 31 1541.1550 (I doubt that this N = 31 distance is optimal.)
- 139 1955.5509 (I'm sure that this N = 139 distance is not optimal.)
- So...where's MY formula?
- I haven't found one, and believe me, I've looked.
- I would be most grateful if someone would end my misery by mailing me
- a formula, a literature reference, or even an efficient algorithm that
- computes the optimal distance.
- If you do come up with the solution, you might want to first check it
- against the attainable distances listed above, before sending it out.
- (Not because you might be wrong, but just as a mere formality to check
- your work.)
- [Warning: the Mathematician General has determined that
- this problem is as addicting as Twinkies.]
- Myron P. Souris | "If you have anything to tell me of importance,
- McDonnell Douglas | for God's sake begin at the end."
- souris@mdcbbs.com | Sara Jeanette Duncan
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- The following output comes from some hack programs that I've used to
- empirically verify some proofs I've been working on.
- Initial barrels: 12 (600 gallons)
- Attainable distance= 1274.175211
- Barrels Distance Gas
- Moved covered left
- >From depot 1: 10 63.1579 480.0000
- >From depot 2: 8 50.0000 405.0000
- >From depot 3: 7 37.5000 356.2500
- >From depot 4: 6 51.1364 300.0000
- >From depot 5: 5 66.6667 240.0000
- >From depot 6: 4 85.7143 180.0000
- >From depot 7: 3 120.0000 120.0000
- >From depot 8: 2 200.0000 60.0000
- >From depot 9: 1 600.0000 0.0000
- Initial barrels: 40 (2000 gallons)
- Attainable distance= 1611.591484
- Barrels Distance Gas
- Moved covered left
- >From depot 1: 40 2.5316 1980.0000
- >From depot 2: 33 50.0000 1655.0000
- >From depot 3: 28 50.0000 1380.0000
- >From depot 4: 23 53.3333 1140.0000
- >From depot 5: 19 50.0000 955.0000
- >From depot 6: 16 56.4516 780.0000
- >From depot 7: 13 50.0000 655.0000
- >From depot 8: 11 54.7619 540.0000
- >From depot 9: 9 50.0000 455.0000
- >From depot 10: 8 32.1429 406.7857
- >From depot 11: 7 38.9881 356.1012
- >From depot 12: 6 51.0011 300.0000
- >From depot 13: 5 66.6667 240.0000
- >From depot 14: 4 85.7143 180.0000
- >From depot 15: 3 120.0000 120.0000
- >From depot 16: 2 200.0000 60.0000
- >From depot 17: 1 600.0000 0.0000
- ==> analysis/cats.and.rats.p <==
- If 6 cats can kill 6 rats in 6 minutes, how many cats does it take to
- kill one rat in one minute?
- ==> analysis/cats.and.rats.s <==
- The following piece by Lewis Carroll first appeared in ``The Monthly
- Packet'' of February 1880 and is reprinted in _The_Magic_of_Lewis_Carroll_,
- edited by John Fisher, Bramhall House, 1973.
- /Larry Denenberg
- larry@bbn.com
- larry@harvard.edu
- Cats and Rats
- If 6 cats kill 6 rats in 6 minutes, how many will be needed to kill 100
- rats in 50 minutes?
- This is a good example of a phenomenon that often occurs in working
- problems in double proportion; the answer looks all right at first, but,
- when we come to test it, we find that, owing to peculiar circumstances in
- the case, the solution is either impossible or else indefinite, and needing
- further data. The 'peculiar circumstance' here is that fractional cats or
- rats are excluded from consideration, and in consequence of this the
- solution is, as we shall see, indefinite.
- The solution, by the ordinary rules of Double Proportion, is as follows:
- 6 rats : 100 rats \
- > :: 6 cats : ans.
- 50 min. : 6 min. /
- .
- . . ans. = (100)(6)(6)/(50)(6) = 12
- But when we come to trace the history of this sanguinary scene through all
- its horrid details, we find that at the end of 48 minutes 96 rats are dead,
- and that there remain 4 live rats and 2 minutes to kill them in: the
- question is, can this be done?
- Now there are at least *four* different ways in which the original feat,
- of 6 cats killing 6 rats in 6 minutes, may be achieved. For the sake of
- clearness let us tabulate them:
- A. All 6 cats are needed to kill a rat; and this they do in one minute,
- the other rats standing meekly by, waiting for their turn.
- B. 3 cats are needed to kill a rat, and they do it in 2 minutes.
- C. 2 cats are needed, and do it in 3 minutes.
- D. Each cat kills a rat all by itself, and take 6 minutes to do it.
- In cases A and B it is clear that the 12 cats (who are assumed to come
- quite fresh from their 48 minutes of slaughter) can finish the affair in
- the required time; but, in case C, it can only be done by supposing that 2
- cats could kill two-thirds of a rat in 2 minutes; and in case D, by
- supposing that a cat could kill one-third of a rat in two minutes. Neither
- supposition is warranted by the data; nor could the fractional rats (even
- if endowed with equal vitality) be fairly assigned to the different cats.
- For my part, if I were a cat in case D, and did not find my claws in good
- working order, I should certainly prefer to have my one-third-rat cut off
- from the tail end.
- In cases C and D, then, it is clear that we must provide extra cat-power.
- In case C *less* than 2 extra cats would be of no use. If 2 were supplied,
- and if they began killing their 4 rats at the beginning of the time, they
- would finish them in 12 minutes, and have 36 minutes to spare, during which
- they might weep, like Alexander, because there were not 12 more rats to
- kill. In case D, one extra cat would suffice; it would kill its 4 rats in
- 24 minutes, and have 24 minutes to spare, during which it could have killed
- another 4. But in neither case could any use be made of the last 2
- minutes, except to half-kill rats---a barbarity we need not take into
- consideration.
- To sum up our results. If the 6 cats kill the 6 rats by method A or B,
- the answer is 12; if by method C, 14; if by method D, 13.
- This, then, is an instance of a solution made `indefinite' by the
- circumstances of the case. If an instance of the `impossible' be desired,
- take the following: `If a cat can kill a rat in a minute, how many would be
- needed to kill it in the thousandth part of a second?' The *mathematical*
- answer, of course, is `60,000,' and no doubt less than this would *not*
- suffice; but would 60,000 suffice? I doubt it very much. I fancy that at
- least 50,000 of the cats would never even see the rat, or have any idea of
- what was going on.
- Or take this: `If a cat can kill a rat in a minute, how long would it be
- killing 60,000 rats?' Ah, how long, indeed! My private opinion is that
- the rats would kill the cat.
- ==> analysis/e.and.pi.p <==
- Which is greater, e^(pi) or (pi)^e ?
- ==> analysis/e.and.pi.s <==
- Put x = pi/e - 1 in the inequality e^x > 1+x (x>0).
- ==> analysis/functional/distributed.p <==
- Find all f: R -> R, f not identically zero, such that
- (*) f( (x+y)/(x-y) ) = ( f(x)+f(y) )/( f(x)-f(y) ).
- ==> analysis/functional/distributed.s <==
- 1) Assuming f finite everywhere, (*) ==> x<>y ==> f(x)<>f(y)
- 2) Exchanging x and y in (*) we see that f(-x) = -f(x).
- 3) a <> 0 ==> f((a-a)/(a+a)) = (f(a)-f(a))/(f(a)+f(a)) ==> f(0) = 0.
- 4) a <> 0 ==> f((a+0)/(a-0)) = f(a)/f(a) ==> f(1) = 1.
- 5) x<>y, y<>0 ==> f(x/y) =
- f( ((x+y)/(x-y) + (x-y)/(x-y)) / ((x+y)/(x-y) - (x-y)/(x-y)) = f(x)/f(y)
- ==> f(xy) = f(x)f(y) by replacing x with xy and by noting that
- f(x*1) = f(x)*1 and f(x*0) = f(x)*f(0).
- 6) f(x*x) = f(x)*f(x) ==> f(x) > 0 if x>0.
- 7) Let a=1+\/2, b=1-\/2; a,b satisfy (x+1)/(x-1) = x ==>
- f(x) = (f(x)+1)/(f(x)-1) ==> f(a)=a, f(b)=b. f(1/\/2) = f((a+b)/(a-b))
- = (a+b)/(a-b) = 1/\/2 ==> f(2) = 2.
- 8) By induction and the relation f((n+1)/(n-1)) = (f(n)+1)/(f(n)-1)
- we get that f(n)=n for all integer n. #5 now implies that f fixes
- the rationals.
- 9) If x>y>0 (*) ==> f(x) - f(y) = f(x+y)/f((x+y)/(x-y)) > 0 by #6.
- Thus f is order-preserving.
- Since f fixes the rationals *and* f is order-preserving, f must be the
- identity function.
- This was E2176 in _The American Mathematical Monthly_ (the proposer was
- R. S. Luthar).
- ==> analysis/functional/linear.p <==
- Suppose f is non-decreasing with
- f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y) + C for all real x, y.
- Prove: there is a constant A such that f(x) = Ax - C for all x.
- (Note: continuity of f is not assumed in advance.)
- ==> analysis/functional/linear.s <==
- By induction f(mx) = m(f(x)+C)-C. Let x=1/n, m=n and find that
- f(1/n) = (1/n)(f(1)+C)-C. Now let x=1/n and find that f(m/n) =
- (m/n)(f(1)+C)-C. f(-x+x) = f(-x) + f(x) + C ==> f(-x) = -2C - f(x)
- (since f(0) = -C) ==> f(-m/n) = -(m/n)(f(1)+C)-C. Since f is
- monotonic ==> f(x) = x*(f(1)+C)-C for all real x (Squeeze Theorem).
- ==> analysis/integral.p <==
- If f is integrable on (0,inf), and differentiable at 0, and a > 0, show:
- inf ( f(x) - f(ax) )
- Int ---------------- dx = f(0) ln(a)
- 0 x
- ==> analysis/integral.s <==
- First, note that if f(0) is 0, then by substituting u=ax in
- the integral of f(x)/x, our integral is the difference of two
- equal integrals and so is 0 (the integrals are finite because f is
- 0 at 0 and differentiable there. Note I make no requirement of
- continuity).
- Second, note that if f is the characteristic function of the
- interval [0, 1]--- i.e.
- 1, 0<=x<=1
- f (x) =
- 0 otherwise
- then a little arithmetic reduces our integral to that of
- 1/x from 1/a to 1 (assuming a>1; if a <= 1 the reasoning is similar),
- which is ln(a) = f(0)ln(a) as required. Call this function g.
- Finally, note that the operator which takes the function f to the
- value of our integral is linear, and that every function meeting the
- hypotheses (incidentally, I should have said `differentiable from the right',
- or else replaced the characteristic function of [0,1] above by that of
- (-infinity, 1]; but it really doesn't matter) is a linear combination of
- one which is 0 at 0 and g, to wit
- f(x) = f(0)g(x) + (f(x) - g(x)f(0)).
- ==> analysis/period.p <==
- What is the least possible integral period of the sum of functions
- of periods 3 and 6?
- ==> analysis/period.s <==
- Period 2. Clearly, the sum of periodic functions of periods 2 and
- three is 6. So take the function which is the sum of that function of
- period six and the negative of the function of period three and you
- have a function of period 2.
- ==> analysis/rubberband.p <==
- A bug walks down a rubberband which is attached to a wall at one end and a car
- moving away from the wall at the other end. The car is moving at 1 m/sec while
- the bug is only moving at 1 cm/sec. Assuming the rubberband is uniformly and
- infinitely elastic, will the bug ever reach the car?
- ==> analysis/rubberband.s <==
- Let w = speed of bug and N = ratio of car speed/bug speed = 100. Paint N+1
- equally spaced stripes on the rubberband. When the bug is standing on one
- stripe, the next stripe is moving away from him at a speed slightly < w
- (relative to him). Since he is walking at w, clearly the bug can reach
- the next stripe. But once he reaches that stripe, the next one is only
- receeding at < w. So he walks on down to the car, one stripe at a time.
- The bug starts gaining on the car when he is at the next to last stripe.
- ==> analysis/series.p <==
- Show that in the series: x, 2x, 3x, .... (n-1)x (x can be any real number)
- there is at least one number which is within 1/n of an integer.
- ==> analysis/series.s <==
- Throw 0 into the sequence; there are now n numbers, so some pair must
- have fractional parts within 1/n of each other; their difference is
- then within 1/n of an integer.
- ==> analysis/snow.p <==
- Snow starts falling before noon on a cold December day.
- At noon a snowplow starts plowing a street.
- It travels 1 mile in the first hour, and 1/2 mile in the second hour.
- What time did the snow start falling??
- You may assume that the plow's rate of travel is inversely proportioned
- to the height of the snow, and that the snow falls at a uniform rate.
- ==> analysis/snow.s <==
- 11:22:55.077 am.
- Method:
- Let b = the depth of the snow at noon, a = the rate of increase in the
- depth. Then the depth at time t (where noon is t=0) is at+b, the
- snowfall started at t_0=-b/a, and the snowplow's rate of progress is
- ds/dt = k/(at+b).
- If the snowplow starts at s=0 then s(t) = (k/a) log(1+at/b). Note that
- s(2 hours) = 1.5 s(1 hour), or log(1+2A/b) = 1.5 log(1+A/b), where
- A = (1 hour)*a. Letting x = A/b we have (1+2x)^2 = (1+x)^3. Solve for
- x and t_0 = -(1 hour)/x.
- The exact answer is 11:(90-30 Sqrt[5]).
- _American Mathematics Monthly_, April 1937, page 245
- E 275. Proposed by J. A. Benner, Lafayette College, Easton. Pa.
- The solution appears, appropriately, in the December 1937 issue,
- pp. 666-667. Also solved by William Douglas, C. E. Springer,
- E. P. Starke, W. J. Taylor, and the proposer.
- See R.P. Agnew, "Differential Equations," 2nd edition, p. 39 ff.
- ==> analysis/tower.p <==
- A number is raised to its own power. The same number is then raised to
- the power of this result. The same number is then raised to the power
- of this second result. This process is continued forever. What is the
- maximum number which will yield a finite result from this process?
- ==> analysis/tower.s <==
- Tower of Exponentials
- ANSWER: e^(1/e)
- Let N be the number in question and R the result of the process. Then
- R can be defined recursively by the equation:
- (1) R = N^R
- Taking the logarithm of both sides of (1):
- (2) ln(R) = R * ln(N)
- Dividing (2) by R and rearranging:
- (3) ln(N) = ln(R) / R
- Exponentiating (3):
- (4) N = R^(1/R)
- We wish to find the maximum value of N with respect to R. Find the
- derivative of N with respect to R and set it equal to zero:
- (5) d(N)/d(R) = (1 - ln(R)) / R^2 = 0
- For finite values of R, (5) is satisfied by R = e. This is a maximum of
- N if the second derivative of N at R = e is less than zero.
- (6) d2(N)/d2(R) | R=e = (2 * ln(R) - 3) / R^3 | R=e = -1 / e^3 < 0
- The solution therefore is (4) at R = e:
- (7) Nmax = e^(1/e)
- ==> arithmetic/7-11.p <==
- A customer at a 7-11 store selected four items to buy, and was told
- that the cost was $7.11. He was curious that the cost was the same
- as the store name, so he inquired as to how the figure was derived.
- The clerk said that he had simply multiplied the prices of the four
- individual items. The customer protested that the four prices
- should have been ADDED, not MULTIPLIED. The clerk said that that
- was OK with him, but, the result was still the same: exactly $7.11.
- What were the prices of the four items?
- ==> arithmetic/7-11.s <==
- The prices are: $1.20, $1.25, $1.50, and $3.16
- $7.11 is not the only number which works. Here are the first 160 such
- numbers, preceded by a count of distinct solutions for that price.
- Note that $7.11 has a single, unique solution.
- 1 - $6.44 1 - $7.83 2 - $9.20 3 - $10.89
- 1 - $6.51 1 - $7.86 1 - $9.23 1 - $10.95
- 1 - $6.60 3 - $7.92 1 - $9.24 2 - $11.00
- 1 - $6.63 1 - $8.00 1 - $9.27 1 - $11.07
- 1 - $6.65 1 - $8.01 2 - $9.35 1 - $11.13
- 1 - $6.72 1 - $8.03 3 - $9.36 1 - $11.16
- 2 - $6.75 5 - $8.10 1 - $9.38 1 - $11.22
- 1 - $6.78 1 - $8.12 5 - $9.45 2 - $11.25
- 1 - $6.80 1 - $8.16 2 - $9.48 2 - $11.27
- 2 - $6.84 2 - $8.19 1 - $9.54 1 - $11.30
- 1 - $6.86 1 - $8.22 1 - $9.57 1 - $11.36
- 1 - $6.89 1 - $8.25 1 - $9.59 1 - $11.40
- 2 - $6.93 3 - $8.28 2 - $9.60 2 - $11.43
- 1 - $7.02 3 - $8.33 1 - $9.62 2 - $11.52
- 1 - $7.05 1 - $8.36 2 - $9.63 2 - $11.55
- 2 - $7.07 1 - $8.37 1 - $9.66 2 - $11.61
- 1 - $7.08 2 - $8.40 1 - $9.68 1 - $11.69
- 1 - $7.11 1 - $8.45 2 - $9.69 1 - $11.70
- 1 - $7.13 2 - $8.46 1 - $9.78 1 - $11.88
- 2 - $7.14 1 - $8.52 2 - $9.80 1 - $11.90
- 3 - $7.20 5 - $8.55 1 - $9.81 1 - $11.99
- 1 - $7.25 1 - $8.60 1 - $9.87 1 - $12.06
- 1 - $7.26 4 - $8.64 4 - $9.90 1 - $12.15
- 2 - $7.28 1 - $8.67 1 - $9.92 1 - $12.18
- 1 - $7.29 1 - $8.69 2 - $9.99 1 - $12.24
- 3 - $7.35 1 - $8.73 1 - $10.01 1 - $12.30
- 1 - $7.37 2 - $8.75 1 - $10.05 1 - $12.32
- 1 - $7.47 1 - $8.76 2 - $10.08 1 - $12.35
- 1 - $7.50 1 - $8.78 1 - $10.17 2 - $12.42
- 1 - $7.52 5 - $8.82 1 - $10.20 1 - $12.51
- 4 - $7.56 1 - $8.85 2 - $10.26 1 - $12.65
- 1 - $7.62 1 - $8.88 3 - $10.29 2 - $12.69
- 4 - $7.65 2 - $8.91 3 - $10.35 1 - $12.75
- 1 - $7.67 1 - $8.94 2 - $10.44 1 - $12.92
- 2 - $7.70 1 - $8.96 1 - $10.53 1 - $12.96
- 3 - $7.74 3 - $9.00 1 - $10.56 1 - $13.23
- 1 - $7.77 1 - $9.02 1 - $10.64 1 - $13.41
- 1 - $7.79 2 - $9.03 2 - $10.71 1 - $13.56
- 2 - $7.80 1 - $9.12 3 - $10.80 1 - $14.49
- 1 - $7.82 2 - $9.18 1 - $10.85 1 - $15.18
- There are plenty of solutions for five summands. Here are a few:
- $8.28 -- at least two solutions
- $8.47 -- at least two solutions
- $8.82 -- at least two solutions
- --
- Mark Johnson mark@microunity.com (408) 734-8100
- There may be many approximate solutions, for example: $1.01, $1.15, $2.41,
- and $2.54. These sum to $7.11 but the product is 7.1100061.
- ==> arithmetic/clock/day.of.week.p <==
- It's restful sitting in Tom's cosy den, talking quietly and sipping
- a glass of his Madeira.
- I was there one Sunday and we had the usual business of his clock.
- When the radio gave the time at the hour, the Ormolu antique was
- exactly 3 minutes slow.
- "It loses 7 minutes every hour", my old friend told me, as he had done
- so many times before. "No more and no less, but I've gotten used to
- it that way."
- When I spent a second evening with him later that same month, I remarked
- on the fact that the clock was dead right by radio time at the hour.
- It was rather late in the evening, but Tom assured me that his treasure
- had not been adjusted nor fixed since my last visit.
- What day of the week was the second visit?
- From "Mathematical Diversions" by Hunter + Madachy
- ==> arithmetic/clock/day.of.week.s <==
- The answer is 17 days and 3 hours later, which would have been a Wednesday.
- This is the only other time in the same month when the two would agree at all.
- In 17 days the slow clock loses 17*24*7 minutes = 2856 minutes,
- or 47 hours and 36 minutes. In 3 hours more it loses 21 minutes, so
- it has lost a total of 47 hours and 57 minutes. Modulo 12 hours, it
- has *gained* 3 minutes so as to make up the 3 minutes it was slow on
- Sunday. It is now (fortnight plus 3 days) exactly accurate.
- ==> arithmetic/clock/thirds.p <==
- Do the 3 hands on a clock ever divide the face of the clock into 3
- equal segments, i.e. 120 degrees between each hand?
- ==> arithmetic/clock/thirds.s <==
- First let us assume that our clock has 60 divisions. We will show that
- any time the hour hand and the minute hand are 20 divisions (120 degrees)
- apart, the second hand cannot be an integral number of divisions from the
- other hands, unless it is straight up (on the minute).
- Let us use h for hours, m for minutes, and s for seconds.
- We will use =n to mean congruent mod n, thus 12 =5 7.
- We know that m =60 12h, that is, the minute hand moves 12 times as fast
- as the hour hand, and wraps around at 60.
- We also have s =60 60m. This simplifies to s/60 =1 m, which goes to
- s/60 = frac(m) (assuming s is in the range 0 <= s < 60), which goes to
- s = 60 frac(m). Thus, if m is 5.5, s is 30.
- Now let us assume the minute hand is 20 divisions ahead of the hour hand.
- So m =60 h + 20, thus 12h =60 h + 20, 11h =60 20, and, finally,
- h =60/11 20/11 (read 'h is congruent mod 60/11 to 20/11').
- So all values of m are k + n/11 for some integral k and integral n,
- 0 <= n < 11. s is therefore 60n/11. If s is to be an integral number of
- units from m and h, we must have 60n =11 n. But 60 and 11 are relatively
- prime, so this holds only for n = 0. But if n = 0, m is integral, so
- s is 0.
- Now assume, instead, that the minute hand is 20 divisions behind the hour hand.
- So m =60 h - 20, 12h =60 h - 20, 11h =60 -20, h =60/11 -20/11.
- So m is still k + n/11. Thus s must be 0.
- But if s is 0, h must be 20 or 40. But this translates to 4 o'clock or
- 8 o'clock, at both of which the minute hand is at 0, along with the second
- hand.
- Thus the 3 hands can never be 120 degrees apart, Q.E.D.
- ==> arithmetic/consecutive.product.p <==
- Prove that the product of three or more consecutive natural numbers cannot be a
- perfect square.
- ==> arithmetic/consecutive.product.s <==
- Three consecutive numbers:
- If a and b are relatively prime, and ab is a square,
- then a and b are squares. (This is left as an exercise.)
- Suppose (n - 1)n(n + 1) = k^2, where n > 1.
- Then n(n^2 - 1) = k^2. But n and (n^2 - 1) are relatively prime.
- Therefore n^2 - 1 is a perfect square, which is a contradiction.
- Four consecutive numbers:
- n(n + 1)(n + 2)(n + 3) = (n^2 + 3n + 1)^2 - 1
- Five consecutive numbers:
- Assume the product is a integer square, call it m.
- The prime factorization of m must have even numbers of each prime factor.
- For each prime factor, p, of m, p >= 5, p^2k must divide one of the
- consecutive naturals in the product. (Otherwise, the difference between two
- of the naturals in the product would be a positive multiple of a prime >= 5.
- But in this problem, the greatest difference is 4.) So we need only consider
- the primes 2 and 3.
- Each of the consecutive naturals is one of:
- 1) a perfect square
- 2) 2 times a perfect square
- 3) 3 times a perfect square
- 4) 6 times a perfect square.
- By the shoe box principle, two of the five consecutive numbers must fall into
- the same category.
- If there are two perfect squares, then their difference being less than five
- limits their values to be 1 and 4. (0 is not a natural number, so 0 and 1
- and 0 and 4 cannot be the perfect squares.) But 1*2*3*4*5=120!=x*x where x
- is an integer.
- If there are two numbers that are 2 times a perfect square, then their
- difference being less than five implies that the perfect squares (which are
- multiplied by 2) are less than 3 apart, and no two natural squares differ by
- only 1 or 2.
- A similar argument holds for two numbers which are 3 times a perfect square.
- We cannot have the case that two of the 5 consecutive numbers are multiples
- (much less square multiples) of 6, since their difference would be >= 6, and
- our span of five consecutive numbers is only 4.
- Therefore the assumption that m is a perfect square does not hold.
- QED.
- In general the equation:
- y^2 = x(x+1)(x+2)...(x+n), n > 3
- has only the solution corresponding to y = 0.
- This is a theorem of Rigge [O. Rigge, ``Uber ein diophantisches Problem'',
- IX Skan. Math. Kong. Helsingfors (1938)] and Erdos [P. Erdos, ``Note on
- products of consecutive integers,'' J. London Math. Soc. #14 (1939),
- pages 194-198].
- A proof can be found on page 276 of [L. Mordell, ``Diophantine
- Equations'', Academic Press 1969].
- ==> arithmetic/consecutive.sums.p <==
- Find all series of consecutive positive integers whose sum is exactly 10,000.
- ==> arithmetic/consecutive.sums.s <==
- Generalize to find X (and I) such that
- (X + X+1 + X+2 + ... + X+I) = T
- for any integer T.
- You are asking for all (X,I) s.t. (2X+I)(I+1) = 2T. The problem is
- (very) slightly easier if we don't restrict X to being positive, so
- we'll solve this first.
- Note that 2X+I and I+1 must have different parities, so the answer
- to the relaxed question is N = 2*(o_1+1)*(o_2+1)*...*(o_n+1), where
- 2T = 2^o_0*3^o_1*...*p_n^o_n (the prime factorization); this is easily
- seen to be the number of ways we can break 2T up into two positive
- factors of differing parity (with order).
- In particular, 20000 = 2^5*5^4, hence there are 2*(4+1) = 10 solutions
- for T = 10000. These are (2X+I,I+1):
- (32*1,5^4) (32*5,5^3) (32*5^2,5^2) (32*5^3,5) (32*5^4,1)
- (5^4,32*1) (5^3,32*5) (5^2,32*5^2) (5,32*5^3) (1,32*5^4)
- And they give rise to the solutions (X,I):
- (-296,624) (28,124) (388,24) (1998,4) (10000,0)
- (297,31) (-27,179) (-387,799) (-1997,3999) (-9999,19999)
- If you require that X>0 note that this is true iff 2X+I > I+1 and
- hence the number of solutions to this problem is N/2 (due to the
- symmetry of the above ordered pairs).
- ==> arithmetic/digits/all.ones.p <==
- Prove that some multiple of any integer ending in 3 contains all 1s.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/all.ones.s <==
- Let n be our integer; one such desired multiple is then
- ( 10^(phi(n))-1 )/9. All we need is that (n,10) = 1, and
- if the last digit is 3 this must be the case. A different
- proof using the pigeonhole principle is to consider the sequence
- 1, 11, 111, ..., (10^n - 1)/9. By previous reasoning we must
- have at some point that either some member of our sequence = 0 (mod n)
- or else some value (mod n) is duplicated. Assume the latter, with
- x_a and x_b, x_b>x_a, possesing the duplicated remainders. We then
- have that x_b - x-a = 0 (mod n). Let m be the highest power of 10
- dividing x_b - x_a. Now since (10,n) = 1, we can divide by 10^m and
- get that (x_b - x_a)/10^m = 0 (n). But (x_b - x_a)/10^m is a number
- containing only the digit 1.
- Q.E.D.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/arabian.p <==
- What is the Arabian Nights factorial, the number x such that x! has 1001
- digits? How about the prime x such that x! has exactly 1001 zeroes on
- the tail end. (Bonus question, what is the 'rightmost' non-zero digit in x!?)
- ==> arithmetic/digits/arabian.s <==
- The first answer is 450!.
- Determining the number of zeroes at the end of x! is relatively easy once
- you realize that each such zero comes from a factor of 10 in the product
- 1 * 2 * 3 * ... * x
- Each factor of 10, in turn, comes from a factor of 5 and a factor of 2.
- Since there are many more factors of 2 than factors of 5, the number of 5s
- determines the number of zeroes at the end of the factorial.
- The number of 5s in the set of numbers 1 .. x (and therefore the number
- of zeroes at the end of x!) is:
- z(x) = int(x/5) + int(x/25) + int(x/125) + int(x/625) + ...
- This series terminates when the powers of 5 exceed x.
- I know of no simple way to invert the above formula (i.e., to find x for
- a given z(x)), but I can approximate it by noting that, except for the "int"
- function,
- 5*z(x) - x = z(x)
- which gives:
- x = 4*z(x) (approximately).
- The given problem asked, "For what prime x is z(x)=1001". By the above forumla,
- this is approximately 4*1001=4004. However, 4004! has only
- 800 + 160 + 32 + 6 + 1 = 999 zeroes at the end of it.
- The numbers 4005! through 4009! all have 1000 zeroes at their end and
- the numbers 4010! through 4014! all have 1001 zeroes at their end.
- Since the problem asked for a prime x, and 4011 = 3*7*191, the only solution
- is x=4013.
- The problem of determining the rightmost nonzero digit in x! is somewhat more
- difficult. If we took the numbers 1, 2, ... , x and removed all factors of 5
- (and an equal number of factors of 2), the remaining numbers multiplied
- together modulo 10 would be the answer. Note that since there are still many
- factors of 2 left, the rightmost nonzero digit must be 2, 4, 6, or 8 (x > 1).
- Letting r(x) be the rightmost nonzero digit in x!, an expression for r(x) is:
- r(x) = (r(int(x/5)) * w * r(x mod 10)) mod 10, x >= 10.
- where w is 4 if int(x/10) is odd and 6 if it is even.
- The values of r(x) for 0 <= x <= 9 are 1, 1, 2, 6, 4, 2, 2, 4, 2, and 8.
- The way to see this is true is to take the numbers 1, 2, ..., x in groups
- of 10. In each group, remove 2 factors of 10. For example, from the
- set 1, 2, ..., 10, choose a factor of 2 from 2 and 6 and a factor of 5 from
- 5 and 10. This leaves 1, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 2. Next, separate all the
- factors that came from multiples of 5. The rightmost nonzero digit of x!
- can now (hopefully) be seen to be:
- r(x) = (r(int(x/5)) * w * r(x mod 10)) mod 10
- where w is the rightmost digit in the number formed by multiplying the numbers
- 1, 2, 3, ..., 10*int(x/10) after the factors of 10 and the factors left over
- by the multiples of 5 have been removed. In the example with x = 10, this
- would be (1 * 1 * 3 * 4 * 3 * 7 * 8 * 9) mod 10 = 4. The "r(x mod 10)" term
- takes care of the numbers from 10*int(x/10)+1 up to x.
- The "w" term can be seen to be 4 or 6 depending on whether int(x/10) is odd or
- even since, after removing 10*n+5 and 10*n+10 and a factor of 2 each from
- 10*n+2 and 10*n+6 from the group of numbers 10*n+1 through 10*n+10, the
- remaining factors (mod 10) always equals 4 and 4^t mod 10 = 4 if t is odd and
- 6 when t is even (t != 0).
- So, finally, the rightmost nonzero digit in 4013! is found as follows:
- r(4013) = (r(802) * 4 * 6) mod 10
- r(802) = (r(160) * 6 * 2) mod 10
- r(160) = (r(32) * 6 * 1) mod 10
- r(32) = (r(6) * 4 * 2) mod 10
- Using a table of r(x) for 0 <= x <= 9, r(6) = 2. Then,
- r(32) = (2 * 4 * 2) mod 10 = 6
- r(160) = (6 * 6 * 1) mod 10 = 6
- r(802) = (6 * 6 * 2) mod 10 = 2
- r(4013) = (2 * 4 * 6) mod 10 = 8
- Thus, the rightmost nonzero digit in 4013! is 8.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/circular.p <==
- What 6 digit number, with 6 different digits, when multiplied by all integers
- up to 6, circulates its digits through all 6 possible positions, as follows:
- ==> arithmetic/digits/circular.s <==
- ABCDEF=142857 (the digits of the expansion of 1/7).
- ==> arithmetic/digits/divisible.p <==
- Find the least number using 0-9 exactly once that is evenly divisible by each
- of these digits?
- ==> arithmetic/digits/divisible.s <==
- Since the sum of the digits is 45, any permutation of the digits gives a
- multiple of 9. To get a multiple of both 2 and 5, the last digit must
- be 0, and thus to get a multiple of 8 (and 4), the tens digit must be
- even, and the hundreds digit must be odd if the tens digit is 2 or 6,
- and even otherwise. The number will also be divisible by 6, since it is
- divisible by 2 and 3, so 7 is all we need to check. First, we will look
- for a number whose first five digits are 12345; now, 1234500000 has a
- remainder of 6 when divided by 7, so we have to arrange the remaining
- digits to get a remainder of 1. The possible arrangements, in
- increasing order, are
- 78960, remainder 0
- 79680, remainder 6
- 87960, remainder 5
- 89760, remainder 6
- 97680, remainder 2
- 98760, remainder 4
- That didn't work, so try numbers starting with 12346; this is impossible
- because the tens digit must be 8, and the hundreds digit cannot be even.
- Now try 12347, and 1234700000 has remainder 2. The last five digits can
- be
- 58960, remainder 6
- 59680, remainder 5, so this works, and the number is
- 1234759680.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/equations/123456789.p <==
- In how many ways can "." be replaced with "+", "-", or "" (concatenate) in
- . to form a correct equation?
- ==> arithmetic/digits/equations/123456789.s <==
- 1-2 3+4 5+6 7-8 9 = 1
- +1-2 3+4 5+6 7-8 9 = 1
- 1+2 3+4-5+6 7-8 9 = 1
- +1+2 3+4-5+6 7-8 9 = 1
- -1+2 3-4+5+6 7-8 9 = 1
- 1+2 3-4 5-6 7+8 9 = 1
- +1+2 3-4 5-6 7+8 9 = 1
- 1-2 3-4+5-6 7+8 9 = 1
- +1-2 3-4+5-6 7+8 9 = 1
- 1-2-3-4 5+6 7-8-9 = 1
- +1-2-3-4 5+6 7-8-9 = 1
- 1+2-3 4+5 6-7-8-9 = 1
- +1+2-3 4+5 6-7-8-9 = 1
- -1+2 3+4+5-6-7-8-9 = 1
- -1 2+3 4-5-6+7-8-9 = 1
- 1+2+3+4-5+6+7-8-9 = 1
- +1+2+3+4-5+6+7-8-9 = 1
- -1+2+3-4+5+6+7-8-9 = 1
- 1-2-3+4+5+6+7-8-9 = 1
- +1-2-3+4+5+6+7-8-9 = 1
- 1+2 3+4 5-6 7+8-9 = 1
- +1+2 3+4 5-6 7+8-9 = 1
- 1+2 3-4-5-6-7+8-9 = 1
- +1+2 3-4-5-6-7+8-9 = 1
- 1+2+3+4+5-6-7+8-9 = 1
- +1+2+3+4+5-6-7+8-9 = 1
- -1+2+3+4-5+6-7+8-9 = 1
- 1-2+3-4+5+6-7+8-9 = 1
- +1-2+3-4+5+6-7+8-9 = 1
- -1-2-3+4+5+6-7+8-9 = 1
- 1-2+3+4-5-6+7+8-9 = 1
- +1-2+3+4-5-6+7+8-9 = 1
- 1+2-3-4+5-6+7+8-9 = 1
- +1+2-3-4+5-6+7+8-9 = 1
- -1-2+3-4+5-6+7+8-9 = 1
- -1+2-3-4-5+6+7+8-9 = 1
- -1+2 3+4 5-6 7-8+9 = 1
- 1-2 3-4 5+6 7-8+9 = 1
- +1-2 3-4 5+6 7-8+9 = 1
- -1+2 3-4-5-6-7-8+9 = 1
- -1+2+3+4+5-6-7-8+9 = 1
- 1-2+3+4-5+6-7-8+9 = 1
- +1-2+3+4-5+6-7-8+9 = 1
- 1+2-3-4+5+6-7-8+9 = 1
- +1+2-3-4+5+6-7-8+9 = 1
- -1-2+3-4+5+6-7-8+9 = 1
- 1+2-3+4-5-6+7-8+9 = 1
- +1+2-3+4-5-6+7-8+9 = 1
- -1-2+3+4-5-6+7-8+9 = 1
- -1+2-3-4+5-6+7-8+9 = 1
- 1-2-3-4-5+6+7-8+9 = 1
- +1-2-3-4-5+6+7-8+9 = 1
- 1-2 3+4+5+6+7-8+9 = 1
- +1-2 3+4+5+6+7-8+9 = 1
- 1+2+3+4 5-6 7+8+9 = 1
- +1+2+3+4 5-6 7+8+9 = 1
- 1 2+3 4+5-6 7+8+9 = 1
- +1 2+3 4+5-6 7+8+9 = 1
- 1+2+3-4-5-6-7+8+9 = 1
- +1+2+3-4-5-6-7+8+9 = 1
- -1+2-3+4-5-6-7+8+9 = 1
- 1-2-3-4+5-6-7+8+9 = 1
- +1-2-3-4+5-6-7+8+9 = 1
- -1-2-3-4-5+6-7+8+9 = 1
- -1-2 3+4+5+6-7+8+9 = 1
- 1-2+3 4-5 6+7+8+9 = 1
- +1-2+3 4-5 6+7+8+9 = 1
- 1 2-3 4+5-6+7+8+9 = 1
- +1 2-3 4+5-6+7+8+9 = 1
- Total solutions = 69
- 69/19683 = 0.35 %
- for those who care (it's not very elegant but it did the trick):
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- main (argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int sresult, result, operator[10],thisop;
- char buf[256],ops[3];
- int i,j,tot=0,temp;
- ops[0] = ' ';
- ops[1] = '-';
- ops[2] = '+';
- for (i=1; i<10; i++) operator[i] = 0;
- for (j=0; j < 19683; j++) {
- result = 0;
- sresult = 0;
- thisop = 1;
- for (i=1; i<10; i++) {
- switch (operator[i]) {
- case 0:
- sresult = sresult * 10 + i;
- break;
- case 1:
- result = result + sresult * thisop;
- sresult = i;
- thisop = -1;
- break;
- case 2:
- result = result + sresult * thisop;
- sresult = i;
- thisop = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- result = result + sresult * thisop;
- if (result == 1) {
- tot++;
- for (i=1;i<10;i++)
- printf("%c%d",ops[operator[i]],i);
- printf(" = %d\n",result);
- }
- temp = 0;
- operator[1] += 1;
- for (i=1;i<10;i++) {
- operator[i] += temp;
- if (operator[i] > 2) { operator[i] = 0; temp = 1;}
- else temp = 0;
- }
- }
- printf("Total solutions = %d\n" , tot);
- }
- cwren@media.mit.edu (Christopher Wren)
- ==> arithmetic/digits/equations/1992.p <==
- 1 = -1+9-9+2. Extend this list to 2 - 100 on the left side of the equals sign.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/equations/1992.s <==
- 1 = -1+9-9+2
- 2 = 1*9-9+2
- 3 = 1+9-9+2
- 4 = 1+9/9+2
- 5 = 1+9-sqrt(9)-2
- 6 = 1^9+sqrt(9)+2
- 7 = -1+sqrt(9)+sqrt(9)+2
- 8 = 19-9-2
- 9 = (1/9)*9^2
- 10= 1+(9+9)/2
- 11= 1+9+sqrt(9)-2
- 12= 19-9+2
- 13= (1+sqrt(9))!-9-2
- 14= 1+9+sqrt(9)!-2
- 15= -1+9+9-2
- 16= -1+9+sqrt(9)!+2
- 17= 1+9+9-2
- 18= 1+9+sqrt(9)!+2
- 19= -1+9+9+2
- 20= (19-9)*2
- 21= 1+9+9+2
- 22= (-1+sqrt(9))*(9-2)
- 23= (1+sqrt(9))!-sqrt(9)+2
- 24= -1+9*sqrt(9)-2
- 25= 1*9*sqrt(9)-2
- 26= 19+9-2
- 27= 1*9+9*2
- 28= 1+9+9*2
- 29= 1*9*sqrt(9)+2
- 30= 19+9+2
- 31= (1+sqrt(9))!+9-2
- 32= -1+sqrt(9)*(9+2)
- 33= 1*sqrt(9)*(9+2)
- 34= (-1+9+9)*2
- 35= -1+(9+9)*2
- 36= 1^9*sqrt(9)!^2
- 37= 19+9*2
- 38= 1*sqrt(9)!*sqrt(9)!+2
- 39= 1+sqrt(9)!*sqrt(9)!+2
- 40= (1+sqrt(9)!)*sqrt(9)!-2
- 41= -1+sqrt(9)!*(9-2)
- 42= (1+sqrt(9))!+9*2
- 43= 1+sqrt(9)!*(9-2)
- 44= -1+9*(sqrt(9)+2)
- 45= 1*9*(sqrt(9)+2)
- 46= 1+9*(sqrt(9)+2)
- 47= (-1+sqrt(9)!)*9+2
- 48= 1*sqrt(9)!*(sqrt(9)!+2)
- 49= (1+sqrt(9)!)*(9-2)
- 50= (-1+9)*sqrt(9)!+2
- 51= -1+9*sqrt(9)!-2
- 52= 1*9*sqrt(9)!-2
- 53= -1+9*sqrt(9)*2
- 54= 1*9*sqrt(9)*2
- 55= 1+9*sqrt(9)*2
- 56= 1*9*sqrt(9)!+2
- 57= 1+9*sqrt(9)!+2
- 58= (1+9)*sqrt(9)!-2
- 59= 19*sqrt(9)+2
- 60= (1+9)*sqrt(9)*2
- 61= (1+sqrt(9)!)*9-2
- 62= -1+9*(9-2)
- 63= 1*9*(9-2)
- 64= 1+9*(9-2)
- 65= (1+sqrt(9)!)*9+2
- 66= 1*sqrt(9)!*(9+2)
- 67= 1+sqrt(9)!*(9+2)
- 68= -(1+sqrt(9))!+92
- 69= (1+sqrt(9))!+(9/.2)
- 70= (1+9)*(9-2)
- 71= -1-9+9^2
- 72= (1+sqrt(9))*9*2
- 73= -19+92
- 74= (-1+9)*9+2
- 75= -1*sqrt(9)!+9^2
- 76= 1-sqrt(9)!+9^2
- 77= (1+sqrt(9)!)*(9+2)
- 78= -1+9*9-2
- 79= 1*9*9-2
- 80= 1+9*9-2
- 81= 1*9*sqrt(9)^2
- 82= -1+9*9+2
- 83= 1*9*9+2
- 84= 1+9*9+2
- 85= -1-sqrt(9)!+92
- 86= -1*sqrt(9)!+92
- 87= 1-sqrt(9)!+92
- 88= (1+9)*9-2
- 89= -1*sqrt(9)+92
- 90= 1-sqrt(9)+92
- 91= -1^9+92
- 92= (1+9)*9+2
- 93= 1^9+92
- 94= -1+sqrt(9)+92
- 95= 19*(sqrt(9)+2)
- 96= -1+99-2
- 97= 1*99-2
- 98= 1+99-2
- 99= 1*9*(9+2)
- 100= -1+99+2
- ==> arithmetic/digits/equations/383.p <==
- Make 383 out of 1,2,25,50,75,100 using +,-,*,/.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/equations/383.s <==
- You can get 383 with ((2+50)/25+1)*100+75.
- Of course, if you expect / as in C, the above expression is just 375.
- But then you can get 383 with (25*50-100)/(1+2). Pity there's no way
- to use the 75.
- If we had a language that rounded instead of truncating, we could use
- ((1+75+100)*50)/(25-2) or (2*75*(25+100))/(50-1).
- I imagine your problem lies in not dividing things that aren't
- divisible.
- Dan Hoey
- Hoey@AIC.NRL.Navy.Mil
- ==> arithmetic/digits/extreme.products.p <==
- What are the extremal products of three three-digit numbers using digits 1-9?
- ==> arithmetic/digits/extreme.products.s <==
- There is a simple procedure which applies to these types of problems (and
- which can be proven with help from the arithmetic-geometric inequality).
- For the first part we use the "first large then equal" procedure.
- This means that are three numbers will be 7**, 8**, and 9**. Now
- the digits 4,5,6 get distributed so as to make our three number as
- close to each other as possible, i.e. 76*, 85*, 94*. The same goes
- for the remaining three digits, and we get 763, 852, 941.
- For the second part we use the "first small then different" procedure.
- Our three numbers will be of the form 1**, 2**, 3**. We now place
- the three digits so as to make our three numbers as unequal as possible;
- this gives 14*, 25*, 36*. Finishing, we get 147, 258, 369.
- Now, *prove* that these procedures work for generalizations of this
- problem.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/googol.p <==
- What digits does googol! start with?
- ==> arithmetic/digits/googol.s <==
- I'm not sure how to calculate the first googol of digits of log10(e), but
- here's the first 150(approximately) of them...
- 0.43429448190325182765112891891660508229439700580366656611445378316586464920
- 8870774729224949338431748318706106744766303733641679287158963906569221064663
- We need to deal with the digits immediately after the decimal point in
- googol*log10(e), which are .187061
- frac[log(googol!)] = frac[halflog2pi + 50 + googol(100-log10(e))]
- = frac{halflog2pi + frac[googol(100-log10(e))]}
- = frac[.399090 + (1- .187061)]
- = .212029
- 10 ** .212029 = 1.629405
- Which means that googol! starts with 1629
- ==> arithmetic/digits/labels.p <==
- You have an arbitrary number of model kits (which you assemble for
- fun and profit). Each kit comes with twenty (20) stickers, two of which
- are labeled "0", two are labeled "1", ..., two are labeled "9".
- You decide to stick a serial number on each model you assemble starting
- with one. What is the first number you cannot stick. You may stockpile
- unused numbers on already assembled models, but you may not crack open
- a new model to get at its stickers. You complete assembling the current
- model before starting the next.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/labels.s <==
- The method I used for this problem involved first coming up with a
- formula that says how many times a digit has been used in all n models.
- n = k*10^i + m for some k,m with 0 <k <10, m < 10^i
- f(d,n) = (number of d's used getting to k*10^i from digits 0 to (i-1)) +
- (number of d's used by #'s 10^i to n from digit i) + f(d,m)
- f(d,n) = i*k*10^(i-1) + (if (d < k) 10^i else if (d == k) m+1 else 0) + f(d,m)
- This doesn't count 0's, which should be ok as they are not used as often
- as other digits. From the formula, it is clear that f(1,n) is never
- less than f(d,n) for 1<d<10.
- So I just calculated f(1,n) for various n (with some help from bc).
- I quickly discovered that for n = 2*10^15, f(1,n) = 2*n. After further
- trials I determined that for n = 1999919999999981, f(1,n) = 2*n + 1.
- This appears to be the smallest n with f(1,n) > 2*n.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/nine.digits.p <==
- Form a number using 0-9 once with its first n digits divisible by n.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/nine.digits.s <==
- First, reduce the sample set. For each digit of ABCDEFGHI, such that the last
- digit, (current digit), is the same as a multiple of N :
- A: Any number 1-9
- B: Even numbers 2,4,6,8 (divisible by 2).
- C: Any number 1-9 (21,12,3,24,15,6,27,18,9).
- D: Even numbers 2,4,6,8 (divisible by 4, every other even).
- E: 5 (divisible by 5 and 0 not allowed).
- F: Even numbers (12,24,6,18)
- G: Any number 1-9 (21,42,63,14,35,56,7,28,49).
- H: Even numbers (32,24,16,8)
- I: Any number 1-9 (81,72,63,54,45,36,27,18,9)
- Since E must be 5, I can eliminate it everywhere else.
- Since I will use up all the even digits, (2,4,6,8) filling in those spots
- that must be even. Any number becomes all odds, except 5.
- A: 1,3,7,9
- B: 2,4,6,8
- C: 1,3,7,9
- D: 2,4,6,8
- E: 5
- F: 2,4,6,8
- G: 1,3,7,9
- H: 2,4,6,8
- I: 1,3,7,9
- We have that 2C+D=0 (mod 4), and since C is odd,
- this implies that D is 2 or 6; similarly we find that H is 2 or 6 ==>
- {B,F} = {4,8}. D+5+F=0 (mod 3) ==> if D=2 then F=8, if D=6 then F=4.
- We have two cases.
- Assume our number is of the form A4C258G6I0. Now the case n=8 ==>
- G=1,9; case n=3 ==> A+1+C=0 (mod 3) ==> {A,C}={1,7} ==> G=9, I=3.
- The two numbers remaining fail for n=7.
- Assume our number is of the form A8C654G2I0. The case n=8 ==> G=3,7.
- If G=3, we need to check to see which of 1896543, 9816543, 7896543,
- and 9876543 are divisible by 7; none are.
- If G=7, we need to check to see which of 1896547, 9816547, 1836547,
- and 3816547 are divisible by 7; only the last one is, which yields
- the solution 3816547290.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/palindrome.p <==
- Does the series formed by adding a number to its reversal always end in
- a palindrome?
- ==> arithmetic/digits/palindrome.s <==
- This is not known.
- If you start with 196, after 9480000 iterations you get a 3924257-digit
- non-palindromic number. However, there is no known proof that you will
- never get a palindrome.
- The statement is provably false for binary numbers. Roland Sprague has
- shown that 10110 starts a series that never goes palindromic.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/palintiples.p <==
- Find all numbers that are multiples of their reversals.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/palintiples.s <==
- We are asked to find numbers that are integer multiples of their
- reversals, which I call palintiples. Of course, all the palindromic
- numbers are a trivial example, but if we disregard the unit multiples,
- the field is narrowed considerably.
- Rouse Ball (_Mathematical_recreations_and_essays_) originated the
- problem, and G. H. Hardy (_A_mathematician's_apology_) used the result
- that 9801 and 8712 are the only four-digit palintiples as an example
- of a theorem that is not ``serious''. Martin Beech (_The_mathema-
- tical_gazette_, Vol 74, #467, pp 50-51, March '90) observed that
- 989*01 and 879*12 are palintiples, an observation he ``confirmed'' on
- a hand calculator, and conjectured that these are all that exist.
- I confirm that Beech's numbers are palintiples, I will show that they
- are not all of the palintiples. I will show that the palintiples do
- not form a regular language. And then I will prove that I have found
- all the palintiples, by describing the them with a generalized form
- of regular expression. The results become more interesting in other
- bases.
- First, I have a more reasonable method of confirming that these
- numbers are palintiples:
- Proof: First, letting "9*" and "0*" refer an arbitrary string of
- nines and a string of zeroes of the same length, I note that
- 879*12 = 879*00 + 12 = (880*00 - 100) + 12 = 880*00 - 88
- 219*78 = 219*00 + 78 = (220*00 - 100) + 78 = 220*00 - 22
- 989*01 = 989*00 + 1 = (990*00 - 100) + 1 = 990*00 - 99
- 109*89 = 109*00 + 89 = (110*00 - 100) + 89 = 110*00 - 11
- It is obvious that 4x(220*00 - 22) = 880*00 - 88 and that
- 9x(110*00 - 11) = 990*00 - 99. QED.
- Now, to show that these palintiples are not all that exist, let us
- take the (infinite) language L[4] = (879*12 + 0*), and let Pal(L[4])
- refer to the set of palindromes over the alphabet L[4]. It is
- immediate that the numbers in Pal(L[4]) are palintiples. For
- instance,
- 8712 000 87912 879999912 879999912 87912 000 8712
- = 4 x 2178 000 21978 219999978 219999978 21978 000 2178
- (where I have inserted spaces to enhance readability) is a palintiple.
- Similarly, taking L[9] = (989*01 + 0*), the numbers in Pal(L[9]) are
- palintiples. We exclude numbers starting with zeroes.
- The reason these do not form a regular language is that the
- sub-palintiples on the left end of the number must be the same (in
- reverse order) as the sub-palintiples on the right end of the number:
- 8712 8712 87999912 = 4 x 2178 2178 21999978
- is not a palintiple, because 8712 8712 87999912 is not the reverse of
- 2178 2178 21999978. The pumping lemma can be used to prove that
- Pal(L[4])+Pal(L[9]) is not a regular language, just as in the familiar
- proof that the palindromes over a non-singleton alphabet do not form a
- regular language.
- Now to characterize all the palintiples, let N be a palintiple,
- N=CxR(N), where R(.) signifies reversal, and C>1 is an integer. (I
- use "x" for multiplication, to avoid confusion with the Kleene star
- "*", which signifies the concatenated closure.) If D is a digit of N,
- let D' refer to the corresponding digit of R(N). Since N=CxR(N),
- D+10T = CxD'+S, where S is the carry in to the position occupied by D'
- when R(N) is multiplied by C, and T is the carry out of that position.
- Similarly, D'+10T'=CxD+S', where S', T' are carries in and out of the
- position occupied by D when R(N) is multiplied by C.
- Since D and D' are so closely related, I will use the symbol D:D' to
- refer to a digit D on the left side of a string with a corresponding
- digit D' on the right side of the string. More formally, an
- expression "x[1]:y[1] x[2]:y[2] ... x[n]:y[n] w" will refer to a
- string "x[1] x[2] ... x[n] w y[n] ... y[2] y[1]", where the x[i] and
- y[i] are digits and w is a string of zero or one digits. So 989901
- may be written as 9:1 8:0 9:9 and 87912 may be written as 8:2 7:1 9.
- Thus Pal(L[4])+Pal(L[9]) (omitting numbers with leading zeroes) can be
- represented as
- (8:2 7:1 9:9* 1:7 2:8 0:0*)*
- (0:0* + 0 + 8:2 7:1 ( 9:9* + 9:9* 9))
- + (9:1 8:0 9:9* 0:8 1:9 0:0*)*
- (0:0* + 0 + 9:1 8:0 ( 9:9* + 9:9* 9)). (1)
- For each pair of digits D:D', there are a very limited--and often
- empty--set of quadruples S,T,S',T' of digits that satisfy the
- equations
- D +10T =CxD'+S
- D'+10T'=CxD +S', (2)
- yet such a quadruple must exist for "D:D'" to appear in a palintiple
- with multiplier C. Furthermore, the S and T' of one D:D' must be T
- and S', respectively, of the next pair of digits that appear. This
- enables us to construct a finite state machine to recognize those
- palintiples. The states [X#Y] refer to a pair of carries in D and D',
- and we allow a transition from state [T#S'] to state [S#T'] on input
- symbol D:D' exactly when equations (2) are satisfied. Special
- transitions for a single-digit input symbol (the central digit of
- odd-length palintiples) and the criteria for the initial and the
- accepting states are left as exercises. The finite state machines
- thus formed are
- State Symbol New Symbol New Symbol New
- Accept? State State State
- --> [0#0] Y 8:2 [0#3] 0:0 [0#0] 0 [A]
- [0#3] N 7:1 [3#3]
- [3#3] Y 1:7 [3#0] 9:9 [3#3] 9 [A]
- [3#0] N 2:8 [0#0]
- [A] Y
- for constant C=4, and
- State Symbol New Symbol New Symbol New
- Accept? State State State
- --> [0#0] Y 1:9 [0#8] 0:0 [0#0] 0 [A]
- [0#8] N 8:0 [8#8]
- [8#8] Y 0:8 [8#0] 9:9 [8#8] 9 [A]
- [8#0] N 9:1 [0#0]
- [A] Y
- for constant C=9, and the finite state machines for other constants
- accept only strings of zeroes. It is not hard to verify that the
- proposed regular expression (1) represents the union of the languages
- accepted by these machines, omitting the empty string and strings
- beginning with zero.
- I have written a computer program that constructs finite state
- machines for recognizing palintiples for various bases and constants.
- I found that base 10 is actually an unusually boring base for this
- problem. For instance, the machine for base 8, constant C=5 is
- State Symbol New Symbol New Symbol New
- Accept? State State State
- --> [0#0] Y 0:0 [0#0] 5:1 [0#3] 0 [A]
- [0#3] N 1:0 [1#1] 6:1 [1#4]
- [1#1] Y 0:1 [3#0] 5:2 [3#3]
- [3#0] N 1:5 [0#0] 6:6 [0#3] 6 [A]
- [3#3] Y 2:5 [1#1] 7:6 [1#4]
- [1#4] N 1:1 [4#1] 6:2 [4#4] 1 [A]
- [4#4] Y 2:6 [4#1] 7:7 [4#4] 7 [A]
- [4#1] N 1:6 [3#0] 6:7 [3#3]
- [A] Y
- for which I invite masochists to write the regular expression. If
- anyone wants more, I should remark that the base 29 machine for
- constant C=18 has 71 states!
- By the way, I did not find any way of predicting the size or form of
- the machines for the various bases, except that the machines for C=B-1
- all seem to be isomorphic to each other. If anyone investigates the
- general behavior, I would be most happy to hear about it.
- Dan Hoey
- Hoey@AIC.NRL.Navy.Mil
- May, 1992
- [ A preliminary version of this message appeared in April, 1991. ]
- ================================================================
- Dan
- ==> arithmetic/digits/power.two.p <==
- Prove that for any 9-digit number (base 10) there is an integral power
- of 2 whose first 9 digits are that number.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/power.two.s <==
- Let v = log to base 10 of 2.
- Then v is irrational.
- Let w = log to base 10 of these 9 digits.
- Since v is irrational, given epsilon > 0, there exists some natural number
- n such that
- {w} < {nv} < {w} + epsilon
- ({x} is the fractional part of x.) Let us pick n for when
- epsilon = log 1.00000000000000000000001.
- Then 2^n does the job.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/prime/101.p <==
- How many primes are in the sequence 101, 10101, 1010101, ...?
- ==> arithmetic/digits/prime/101.s <==
- Note that the sequence
- 101 , 10101, 1010101, ....
- can be viewed as
- 100**1 +1, 100**2 + 100**1 + 1, 100**3 + 100**2 + 100**1 +1 ....
- that is,
- the k-th term in the sequence is
- 100**k + 100**(k-1) + 100**(k-2) + ...+ 100**(1) + 1
- = (100)**(k+1) - 1
- ----------------
- 11 * 9
- = (10)**(2k+2) - 1
- ----------------
- 11 * 9
- = ((10)**(k+1) - 1)*((10)**(k+1) +1)
- ---------------------------------
- 11*9
- thus either 11 and 9 divide the numerator. Either they both divide the
- same factor in the numerator or different factors in the numerator. In
- any case, after dividing, they leave the numerators as a product of two
- integers. Only in the case of k = 1, one of the integers is 1. Thus
- there is exactly one prime in the above sequence: 101.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/prime/all.prefix.p <==
- What is the longest prime whose every proper prefix is a prime?
- ==> arithmetic/digits/prime/all.prefix.s <==
- 23399339, 29399999, 37337999, 59393339, 73939133
- ==> arithmetic/digits/prime/change.one.p <==
- What is the smallest number that cannot be made prime by changing a single
- digit? Are there infinitely many such numbers?
- ==> arithmetic/digits/prime/change.one.s <==
- 200. Obviously, you would have to change the last digit, but 201, 203,
- 207, and 209 are all composite. For any smaller number, you can change
- the last digit, and get
- 2,11,23,31,41,53,61,71,83,97,101,113,127,131,149,151,163,173,181, or 191.
- 200+2310n gives an infinite family, because changing the last
- digit to 1 or 7 gives a number divisible by 3; to 3, a number divisible
- by 7; to 9, a number divisible by 11.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/prime/prefix.one.p <==
- 2 is prime, but 12, 22, ..., 92 are not. Similarly, 5 is prime
- whereas 15, 25, ..., 95 are not. What is the next prime number
- which is composite when any digit is prefixed?
- ==> arithmetic/digits/prime/prefix.one.s <==
- 149
- ==> arithmetic/digits/reverse.p <==
- Is there an integer that has its digits reversed after dividing it by 2?
- ==> arithmetic/digits/reverse.s <==
- Assume there's such a positive integer x such that x/2=y and y is the
- reverse of x.
- Then x=2y. Let x = a...b, then y = b...a, and:
- b...a (y)
- x 2
- --------
- a...b (x)
- From the last digit b of x, we have b = 2a (mod 10), the possible
- values for b are 2, 4, 6, 8 and hence possible values for (a, b) are
- (1,2), (6,2), (2,4), (7,4), (3,6), (8,6), (4,8), (9,8).
- From the first digit a of x, we have a = 2b or a = 2b+1. None of the
- above pairs satisfy this condition. A contradiction.
- Hence there's no such integer.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/rotate.p <==
- Find integers where multiplying them by single digits rotates their digits.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/rotate.s <==
- 2 105263157894736842
- 3 1034482758620689655172413793
- 4 102564 153846 179487 205128 230769
- 5 142857 102040816326530612244897959183673469387755
- 6 1016949152542372881355932203389830508474576271186440677966
- 1186440677966101694915254237288135593220338983050847457627
- 1355932203389830508474576271186440677966101694915254237288
- 1525423728813559322033898305084745762711864406779661016949
- 7 1014492753623188405797 1159420289855072463768 1304347826086956521739
- 8 1012658227848 1139240506329
- 9 10112359550561797752808988764044943820224719
- In base B, suppose you have an N-digit answer A whose digits are
- rotated when multiplied by K. If D is the low-order digit of A, we
- have
- (A-D)/B + D B^(N-1) = K A .
- Solving this for A we have
- D (B^N - 1)
- A = ----------- .
- B K - 1
- In order for A >= B^(N-1) we must have D >= K. Now we have to find N
- such that B^N-1 is divisible by R=(BK-1)/gcd(BK-1,D). This always has
- a minimal solution N0(R,B)<R, and the set of all solutions is the set
- of multiples of N0(R,B). N0(R,B) is the length of the repeating part
- of the fraction 1/R in base B.
- N0(ST,B)=N0(S,B)N0(T,B) when (S,T)=1, and for prime powers, N0(P^X,B)
- divides (P-1)P^(X-1). Determining which divisor is a little more
- complicated but well-known (cf. Hardy & Wright).
- So given B and K, there is one minimal solution for each
- D=K,K+1,...,B-1, and you get all the solutions by taking repetitions
- of the minimal solutions.
- ==> arithmetic/digits/sesqui.p <==
- Find the least number where moving the first digit to the end multiplies by 1.5.